Warmtemat met thermostaat en temperatuurregeling

soft heatmat with temperature control

Donkerstraler, warmtelamp die geen licht geeft. Alleen warmte.

250W infrarood keramische warmtelamp

soft heatmat with temperature control

Regular Price €157.50 Special Price €137.50

Built in thermostat and temperature control.

temperature settings from 35 to 45 degrees Celcius.

size of heatmat: 30x40cm

Soft heatmat, completely waterproof.

Availability: In stock

Soft professional heatmat (30x40cm) with built in thermostat

This professional heatmat is often used by vetenarians and other professionals. It has a built in thermostat, which allows to exactly set the temperature as you desire.

The heatmat is convenient and can be use in a cage or bench for puppy's, kittens and other baby animals. Also suitable for old or sick animals.

You may cover the heatmat with a towel, paper or any other bedding.

  • Ideal to help maintain a normal body temperature.
  • temperature can be set from 35 to 45 degrees Celcius
  • Can provide heat constantly, or can be set with a timer.
  • Convenient for all pets
  • Water resistent, easy to cleam
  • size: 30 x 40 cm
  • 12 volt, safe low voltage
  • 24 Watt


More Information
Watt 22 Watt
Short Description

Built in thermostat and temperature control.

temperature settings from 35 to 45 degrees Celcius.

size of heatmat: 30x40cm

Soft heatmat, completely waterproof.