Colostrum Therapie Sanobest biest voor dieren

Colostrum Therapie

col-o-dog colostrum voor honden, ter verbetering van de darmfunctie en immuunsysteem


col-o-cat colostrum voor katten, ter verbetering van de darmfunctie en immuunsysteem


Colostrum Therapie

Universal colostrum for all mammals.

Freeze dried. Contains extra high concentrations of immunoglobulines.

Available in packages of 50 gram, 100 gram and 250 gram. The package contains a measuring spoon.

In stock
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Colostrum Therapie-50gr
Colostrum Therapie-100gr
Colostrum Therapie-250gr
Colostrum Therapie-500gr

This colostrum is made of cow milk that was milked within 12 hours after giving birth. Then the colostrum is freeze dried. The colostrum has never been heated. That's why it has the highest possible concentration of beneficiary nutrients.


Colostrum Therapie contains up to 90 different nutrients that each or together have a different function on the body. Components like lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, IgA and other nutrients in the colostrum help the immune system against unwanted bacteria and micro organisms. Colostrum Therapy also contains PRP (Proline-Rich-Peptide) which helps balance the immune system.

The most important functions of Colostrum Therapy are:

  • A prebiotica effect
  • protects the gut
  • promotes bowel function
  • supports a healthy immune system

Colostrum Therapy contains almost all nutrients to help a body get fit again.


Protein 73%, of which immunoglobulinen >35%, fat 2,8%, moist 2,5%, ash 6,0%, fibre 0%.




For young animals who didn't get colostrum from their mother. Also for young and adult animals to enhance the immune system and promote a good bowel function.


Contains cow milk proteines and 14% lactose.

Use of Colostrum Therapy

Dissolve powder in milk formula. May also be dissolved in water, or sprinkled over food.
Adult dogs and Cats: 5 gram per day, divided into 2 portions.

Baby dogs and cats:
Dissolve into water

Side effects

There are no know side effects.

Storage conditions

Store in a cool and dry area, in the original package. Shelf life: see package.

More Information
Short Description

Universal colostrum for all mammals.

Freeze dried. Contains extra high concentrations of immunoglobulines.

Available in packages of 50 gram, 100 gram and 250 gram. The package contains a measuring spoon.

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