Sheep Nutri-Drench

Sheep Nutri-Drench

Geef gewone melk een boos met melkboost. Melkboost bevat colostrum en prebiotica, wat de darmen, het afweersysteem en de groei ondersteunt.

Milk Booster (450 gr)

Equine Nutri-Drench

Equine Nutri-Drench

Sheep Nutri-Drench


Sheep Nutridrench are a nutritional supplement for sheep and similar animals. It delivers energy and important vitamins and minerals to the animal very quickly.

One bottle contains 240 ml / 8 oZ

Availability: In stock

Sheep Nutridrench are a nutritional supplement for sheep, lambs and similar animals. It delivers energy and important vitamins and minerals to the animal very quickly. In fact, the Nutridrops are also absorbed through the mucous membranes, so the glucose and other nutrients enter the blood very quickly.

Sheep Nutri-Drench are an important addition to the diet for lambs. This ensures they get important nutrients. Dehydrated or malnourished lambs can quickly get back on their feet with Nutridrench.

You can also use Sheep Nutri-Drench in case of stress. For example, when they are transported to a show or to the vet. Nutridrench can also help in case of illness to recover faster.

You can give Sheep Nutridrench through the drinking water or (for quick results) directly into the mouth. A few drops in the mouth is often enough. Within 10 minutes, most of the nutrients are absorbed and you can expect results. Give the Nutridrench an hour to fully do their job.

Ingredients Sheep Nutri-Drench

Sheep Nutridrench are a perfectly balanced blend of vitamins, minerals amino acids, anti oxidants and electrolytes with a high energy content.

Energy: Glucose, Molasses

Vitamins: A, B, D, E

Minerals: Phosphorus, Potassium, Manganese, Cobalt, Zinc, Iron

Amino acids: Methionine and Lysine

Antioxidants: Selenium, Vitamin E

Electrolytes: Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium

Lang houdbaar

Door de lange houdbaarheid van de Nutridrench zijn ze ideaal om voor nood op voorraad te hebben.


Bovidr Laboratories, inc.

Andere soorten Nutri-Drench

Op aanvraag kunnen we ook andere soorten Nutri-Drench leveren, zoals Horse & Donkey Nutri-Drench, Swine & Pot Belly Nutri-Drench, etc.

More Information
Short Description

Sheep Nutridrench are a nutritional supplement for sheep and similar animals. It delivers energy and important vitamins and minerals to the animal very quickly.

One bottle contains 240 ml / 8 oZ